Working on/in the 19th century
Over the next month I'm working on trying to write 30,000 words, a first draft of a segment of my thesis, because I blinked and suddenly I am two years into my PhD, and by this time next year I should be nearly done. Hmm... Much as I'd like to complain about my work, um... there's a bit too much going on in the world at the moment... which isn't all good. The book Capital in the 21st Century by Thomas Piketty is pointing to a return to 19th century living conditions and in terms of capital and wealth inequality and it is one of the things that is weighing in the back of my mind, as well as affecting were we might live in the next few years. Anyway, these picture of me was taken recently at the Sheffield Industrial Hamlet. I am sitting in the Counting House (where workers went to collect their salaries). I like to think of myself working away as shown in the first picture. But like many people in my position, I procrastinate by doing things like blogs. This post is to remind me to get back to work!