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This is a legacy website. A more recent profile is available at my BGU staff webpage

Between October 2014 and November 2018, I undertook a PhD at the University of Reading in collaboration with the National Museums Scotland.  I passed my viva voce on 22 November 2018. In 2020, I held a short-term fellowship at UCLA's Clark Library. I am now a part-time lecturer for the School of Humanities at Bishop Grosseteste University, as well as a part-time librarian.  I am currently working these long-term projects: Illustrating Animals in the 19th century: Popular Culture from Bewick to Beardsley and Photographic representations in printed media documenting America’s Occupation of the Philippines, 1900 - 1935. 


My recent article publications include: Illustrating Animals and Visualizing Natural History in Chambers’s Encyclopaedias, and a book chapter to the Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press 1800-1900, edited by David Finkelstein, which was published by the University of Edinburgh Press in February 2020.  It was awarded the 2021 Robert and Vineta Colby Scholarly Book PrizeIn 2021, Circulation and Control: Artistic Culture and Intellectual Property in the Nineteenth Century, edited by Professor Will Slauter, from Université Paris Diderot and Professor Stéphanie Delamire, curator at Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library was published by Open Book Publishers.  My chapter (and the whole book) is freely available online here.  I co-edited a book Women in Print, Design and Identities published in 2022, with Artemis Alexiou, of York St John University.   

I have been teaching history and archeology courses at BGU since 2020. In 2019, I taught a masters level course INFS 281-2 Research Methods in Graphics and Historical Illustration at the UCLA Department of Information Studies.  I have also taught undergraduates at UCLA during Winter Quarter 2018, and at the University of Reading, during Spring Semester 2017. 

Between 2001 -2014, and again between 2020 - 2023, I worked as a collections manager and librarian in institutions in the United States and the United Kingdom. Among them: The Bodleian Library, Oxford; the NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library, Pasadena, California; The Natural History Museum, London; The Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles; University of Leeds; and Westminster Libraries and Archives Service, London where I produced online exhibitions, such as Arthur Conan Doyle: The Prolific Writer for the City of Westminster and was responsible for collecting and cataloguing websites for The Internet Archive’s British Slave Trade Legacies Project, 2007-2008.

I also authored other scholarly articles in the Art Libraries Journal and the Journal of the Society of Archivists, and contributed to the Museums Journal, American Archivist and Convergence  

Previous book series

From 2011-2017, I served as the series editor and book designer for the Art Researchers' Guides to different cities published by the Art Libraries Society of the UK & Ireland.  
For more information see here.

© 2014 by Rose Roberto created with

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