​Democratizing Knowledge:
In Chambers's Encyclopaedia
Contact me:
Rose Roberto, MLIS, PhD
Librarian / Part-time lecturer
Bishop Grosseteste University
Longdales Road, Lincoln, LN1 3DY
12 November, Speaker 'Named Awards and the Influence of Kate Greenaway on Illustrations and Illustrators'
Portico Library Events
Past Research-Related Travel:
30 October, Speaker 'Curating Children's Literature.'
Diverse Literatures, Diverse Literacies Conference.
Bishop Grosseteste University
12-14 June, Speaker 'Working Women: Chambers's Encyclopaedia Authors and Translators, 1850-1900.' Women, Money and Markets Conference.
Sheffield Hallam University
6-7th September, Speaker 'Approaches to accessible and inclusive staff development: benefits for all'. Redefining Engagement: Connections, Collections, and Communities Mercian Collaboration Annual Conference.
31 March, Speaker 'Political Cartoons: Political and Social Satire through the centuries' Sheffield Central Library Events
20-21 July, Speaker `Imagining the Alps during the nineteenth-century tales of the Great St Bernard and peaks, passes, and glaciers'. A Visitor attraction: printing for tourists webinar.
1-2 July, Speaker for the session Decolonialising the Curriculum @ BGU with Dr Jonathan Memel, and Dr Sheine Pert. BGU Learning and Teaching Conference 2021: Access, Participation and Inclusivity, Lincoln (online)
November 30, Speaker at History of the Printed Image Network Webinar
Further travel plans disrupted by Covid-19 pandemic
February - March 2020, UCLA Clark Library
12-14 2019, December Research in NLS, Edinburgh
6-7 November, Cultures of the Book Conference: Science, Technology and the Spread of Human Knowledge, University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy
18-21 July, Graduation Ceremony University of Reading, and London visit
20-21 June, Workshop for Images, Copyright, and the Public Domain, Paris
4 January - March, Teaching Winter Quarter, UCLA, Los Angeles
12-13 December, NMS Meetings, Edinburgh
21-22 November, Viva Voce, Reading
20-21 September Leeds Library Conference, Leeds
14 September, Women in Print Conference, Birmingham
22 August, Supervisor Meeting, Reading
21 June, Supervisor Meeting, London
30 April -25 May, Historical Society of Pennsylvania Fellowship, Philadelphia
13 April, Supervisor Meeting, London
20-21 March, Meeting in Edinburgh
8 January - March, Teaching Winter Quarter, UCLA
21 December - Supervisor meeting, BL, London
6-9 December - Edinburgh
20-24 November - Edinburgh
8-9 October - Good, Fast, Cheap APHA + CHAViC, Amer. Antiquarian Society MA
21 September - Blocks, Plates Stone Conference, London, poster
5 August - Study Day, Manchester
3 August - Study Day, Manchester
31 July - 1 August, Supervisors Meeting Edinburgh
28 July Study Day, Manchester
13-14 July - Speaker ARLIS Conference & launch of Art Researcher's Guide to Liverpool
7-9 July- Speaker British Society for the History of Science Conference, York
20 June - PhD Research Conference, Reading
15-19 May - Research, Edinburgh
25 April - Speaker at Using Archives CDP training, London
20-24 March - Research in Edinburgh
13 March - Lecture on W. & R. Chambers for TY1HIS, Reading
27 February - Lecture on Baskerville & Bodoni for TY1HIS, Reading
6 February - Lecture on Plantin & Estienne for TY1HIS, Reading
11 January - Study day Leeds
8 December -My Doctoral Seminar, Reading
1 December - Talk 'Late Victorian Book Illustration' Sheffield Central Library
11 November - Edinburgh
10 November - AHRC Partnership meeting, Stirling
31 October - 9 November, HSP Philidephia USA
18-19 October, NLS Edinburgh
26-28 September, University of Sheffield, Study Days, Penny Cyclopaedia
12-16 September, Research NMS, Edinburgh
31 August - 1 September BAVS Conference, Cardiff
11-14 and 18-21 July Research at NMS, Edinburgh
9-13 and 16-20 May Research at NMS/NLS, Edinburgh
19-22 April Research at (NMS/NLS), public programs talk, Edinburgh
11-15 April Research at NMS, Edinburgh
21-24 March Research at NLS, Edinburgh
16-17 March RRDP Training & Doctoral Seminar, Reading
7-10 March Research at NLS, Edinburgh
3-5 February, Becoming Animal with Victorians, Paris
25 February, My Doctoral Seminar, Reading
28 January, Doctoral Seminar, Reading
25 January, RRDP Training, "Public Speaking" Reading
4-8 Jan Research at NMS, Edinburgh (possibly 11-13 too)
14-17 December - Research at NMS, Edinburgh
4 December -Illustrating History/Illustré l'historie, Université de Valenciennes, France
10 December - Doctoral Seminar & Supervisor meeting, Reading
25-26 November - CPD 2nd Year Training, "Making Exhibitions," London
23-25 November-Research at NMS, Edinburgh
16-17 November-RRDP Training, A. & C. Black Archive Research, Reading
2-4 November - Research at NLS, NMS & CPD Meeting, Edinburgh
5-7 October -Research in Edinburgh
10-11 September Communities of Communication Conference, Edinburgh
7-9 September - Research in Edinburgh
27-28 August - BAVS Conference, Leeds
​20-23 and 27-31 July - Research in Edinburgh
15-16 July -ARLIS Conference: Minning for Innovation: Book Launch
10 July -Copyright, Intellectual Property and Ethics in Cultural and Heritage
23-24 June -Print Identification Course
22 June -2015 PHRC Annual Photography in Print Conference
23 April - Doctoral Seminar, University of Reading
1 April - Print and Digital Cultures, University of Dundee
5 March - Doctoral Seminar & RRDP, University of Reading
4 March - CDP 1st Year Training, Researching Objects and Material Culture
5,12 & 26 Feb - Doctoral Seminar & RRDP, University of Reading
30 January - Bibliography Workshop, University of Edinburgh
28 January - RRDP, How to Write a Thesis, University of Reading
23 January - Doctoral Seminar, Digital Scholarship, British Library
16 January - RRDP, Research in Social Sciences, University of Reading
15 January - Doctoral Seminar, University of Reading
14 January - Traces Thru Time Data Workshop, Senate House, London
7-8 January - Wood Engraving course with Chris Daunt, Newcastle
1 December - National Museums Scotland, Edinburgh
2 December - CDP, National Galleries Scotland, Edinburgh
11 December - History of Reading Workshop, University of Stirling
18 November - Study day at Chethams' Library, Manchester
27 November - Doctoral Seminar, University of Reading
28 November - Study day the British Library, London